Saturday, 30 May 2009

Fiber in the diet

Today I went to the Fiber Festival in South Bank convention centre, courtesy of Henrietta of Biggan Design, who had a really successful stall in the fair. It was so much fun wandering around and seeing all the fiber, quilting, felting, fabulous stalls. I even met a few people from Brisbane Stitch n' Bitch that I knew, how exciting! Pity that I had no money to spend, but I am saving myself for Queensland Weavers, Spinners and FIber Artists Guilds open day on Sunday (that is such a mouthful, I don't even know if I remembered it right!). I hear they have the greatest store however with droolalicious yarn and roving...groovy!

Today was the greatest day, aaahhhhh! After the festival, the DB and I went to the cinema and ahd dinner out and then walked home by the river and basically had the most lovely relaxing day...I haven't been feeling so upbeat this last week or so (bar the wedding of course, which was AMAZING!) but I am feeling much better this evening.

Oh, note to the Shadowy 'A' - I want to write a short story for a competition. Any ideas on how to get the creative juices flowing?? Can't wait for you to visit...I am making LOTS of plans :)

1 comment:

[Insert clever name here] said...

Note to P Roo....perhaps do a little meditation? Try to conjure up some memories of the past? Travel? Coming of Age? Persian/Irish mixing up goodness/harshness? Might Ms. Cameron have some advice? What are your goals? Funny? Touching? Personal? Observatory? Write a story about me! Or loosely based on me...or another friend, or someone who's no friend at all? All I know is writing this blog (mine rather) feels great, and I can't thank you enough for getting me into it!