Saturday, 25 April 2009

The year ahead...

Right, this is it! This is the year that I am finally going to do something I really blinkity, blinkity want to. No more getting sucked into dead-end, brain-numbing jobs (though I am aware that they may feature, but only as a means to an end) and instead make time to make art. I have GOALS!! WootWoot!

1. I will get a knitting pattern published in Knitty

2. I will get my etsy store up and running, making and selling all my fun crafty stuff.

3. I will strive to write more, actually every day, a little every day and I'd love to get one of my poems pulished.

4. I am going to perform in Australia, find myself an accompaniest or band and get gigging.

5. I will do something creative every day.

I'm excited. I want to grasp this new day, new year by the horns and finally do something with myself. I have been drifting along since graduating from college and coming to Australia is the adventure I need, feeling a little safe in the anonimity and the possibilities. I can do this!

I have to think more about my goals and write again, but I thought it was better to start now, than to think too hard about it all and never start...I'm known for that. So here I am World...Here's to the year to come!

1 comment:

Kit said...

How very inspiring!

Makes me want to travel to a new country to find a new lease on life.

On a side note, what sort of music do you prefer performing? My boy is a muso (mainly keyboard & vocals) and wants to start doing some gigs. Does lots of parody stuff for kicks but also writes his own stuff.

How did you go contacting Michael O'Brien Catering for a job? Hope it all works out fabulously :D

Feel free to msg me on rav to chat or I might see you Thursday night if you drop in to TY during our crochet class :D
