Friday 19 June 2009

My first week at 24...

...has been interesting. One blow-up, near relationship ending fight with the DB, followed by the best make-up period ever, which is quite unerving for some reason. It's like I'm imagining it all and I'll get home from work and it'll all have blown up again. I know it's me overreacting but I can't imagine my life without him in it.

On the plus side we have talked really openly about a lot of things and are in a much better place together I think. I was/am finding it hard in Brisbane sometimes, but thought it sounded really ungrateful or something to complain about it. But it's all good now, and truly I have such an amazingly lovely social circle here. Yeay for friends!!

I'm knitting loads, like all the time, in an effort to keep up with the pieces I have been commissioned to do and the things I want to get done for myself or as gifts. Ooo, I'm meeting up with a local musician this evening at the Conservatorium to practice some pieces for the local devotional evening in Kuraby. It's nice to finally see some things coming together for yourself in little itty-bitty ways.

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